"I am more in tune with my instincts and she has helped me find my inner voice and most importantly - trust it. And that has led me on a journey of finding my way, doing things that make me HAPPY and in turn finding fulfilment. "
I was referred to Christine by a friend, and at the time I was just feeling lost. I felt like I had started to lose my way and my spunk (especially in my career) I had lost the ability to listen to my gut, trust myself and know what path to follow. I didn't even know exactly what it was I wanted from my sessions but I just knew it was something I needed to do.
And WOW, I'm so glad that I did.
Working with Christine has given me the clarity that I so desperately wanted. She has helped me to look within and find what it is that I want. She has given me the tools to approach situations in a more mindful and less reactive way. Since working with Christine I feel EMPOWERED.
The thing that I love the most about the energy sessions is that there are things that are so deep within us we don't even realise they are there effecting our day to day life. This brings awareness to that, and awareness is power. It's allowed me to let go of things that were holding me back, and I am so excited to say I am kicking but again!
I had tried a "life coach" in the past, but she didn't empower me or give me the insight like Christine. It was a completely different experience all together. Christine is so kind, trustworthy and you can just tell how passionate she is about helping people break the patterns and thoughts that are holding us back.
Since starting with Christine my business has doubled! I am a better wife, friend and leader. I am more in tune with my instincts and she has helped me find my inner voice and most importantly - trust it. And that has led me on a journey of finding my way, doing things that make me HAPPY and in turn finding fulfilment.
I will forever be grateful for Christine and what she has given me. If you are looking for someone to work with to level up your life, or help if you are feeling cornered - please contact Christine, I cannot recommend her enough! She is an angel that has changed my world!
Emma Savage

"This deep awareness and connectedness to myself and my soul. This awareness of myself is something that I cannot even describe. The change that I am experiencing is wild. "
Sandra Raymond

"We cleared the fears I had around public speaking. I was able to talk in front of 100 people because i was confident enough too."
Prior to my sessions with Christine I had a really bad fear of public speaking.
I was bullied in high school which turned into bad paranoia and this impacted my confidence. There was a time where as soon as I would have to talk, I started stuttering really bad and I started crying. I felt anxious and started shaking a bit. I had a dry mouth.
I also struggled to speak up in general with life as well.
Before, I couldn’t even order at the counter. I felt invisible. When I was around a group of people, I would just sit there. I didn’t know how to approach people.
After 4 sessions with Christine, in a 4 month period, we healed a lot of trauma from my past.
We cleared the fears I had around public speaking.
I was able to talk in front of 100 people because i was confident enough too.
My confidence in my voice and actions have become really important to me. My confidence is sooooo much better in my speaking, my answers to people's opinions have been on fire!
Everything is working and I'm feeling motivated.

"I 100% manifested my ability to become a medium. Which I thought was impossible, literally, I never believed I could do what I am now able to."
All of my goals have been reached with the 3 month intensive. Christine’s mediations worked absolute wonders for me and I do and will continue to use them on a daily basis.
I enjoyed learning about myself, where my barriers come from and what has been holding me back. And of course getting to know and forming a friendship with Christine. She has taught me things I never thought possible.
I felt supported 100% every step of the way. Every question I had, when in doubt or even just general questions, Christine was a huge support and kept me on my path on a daily basis.
The most beautiful experience I had was connecting with Spirit in our sessions, being able to give viable information because of what Christine taught me, not only in our actual sessions but about understanding who I am and how I work with Spirit. Also in all of our sessions, our Psych-K® balances left me feeling overwhelmed with gratitude afterwards and this feeling is still a lingering one which keeps me balanced.
The shifts around my self-doubt, self-judgement, even self-hate, being able to understand these emotions and why I was holding onto them helped shift them hugely.
Key learnings
Self-acceptance, self-love, being able to accept I’m allowed to love who I am and work with the gifts I’ve been given. I’m deserving of love. The non physical joys of life which I’d never felt worthy of which then allowed me to open up and accept who I am and therefore reach my goals in mediumship.
I absolutely love the tools which I was given, having a structure and being told what I need to do to gain that experience is a huge part of who I am, having direction and routine. Christine understood me as a person. I will always hold onto the tools and use them to strengthen my abilities.
If you are considering sessions with Christine,leave doubt at the door and jump in. It’s one of the best things I have ever done for myself, it was truly a spiritual gift that I will always hold dear to my heart.
"Having the opportunity to work with Christine was an absolute blessing. I had no idea what I was in for. I struggled with daily anxiety, completely unaware that it was a part of me."
"Not only did she help me work through these past traumatic emotions and help me in realising what they even were, she helped me overcome them and provided the tools to handle these things on my own. "
Never did I ever think I would be where I am today, being able to love and accept yourself is something that everyone deserves and it was an achievable dream because Christine came into my life.
And that wasn’t even my goal in the beginning.
I went into this with one goal, to begin my mediumship journey.
If someone had told me at the start of the 3 month intensive that I would be doing readings and doing them confidently I would have laughed an extremely anxious laugh, but here I am, doing what I’ve always known was a part of who I am.
That’s exactly what Christine did for me, guided me on a journey of finding who I am and living to my full potential. I will always be grateful for this experience and I know I will be back for more.
If you are considering enrolling to sessions with Christine, leave doubt at the door and jump in. It’s one of the best things I have ever done for myself, it was truly a spiritual gift that I will always hold dear to my heart.
Caity Lou

"After completing the 3 Month Intensive series with Christine I finally feel at peace with my past. I am more in tune with my needs, I am communicating more and I have found strategies to deal with my anxiety and overwhelm by meditation and journaling."
Christine came into my life at a difficult time for me and has been a lifesaver in helping me and contributing to these changes. She provided a safe space with no judgement which allowed me to be open and honest to explore anything that came up.
I’ve learnt that it’s ok to put myself first and also that it’s ok to not be ok. These are massive achievements for me.
I am extremely grateful for Christine's guidance which has resulted in me feeling at peace and nowhere near as anxious. Working with Christine has shown me how to be open to feeling as opposed to just getting on with things and I’m now voicing my opinions with confidence.
Thank you so much Christine. I look forward to continuing this journey with you x
If you’re considering enrolling into this 3 month intensive series with Christine I’d say, do it. I have come so far from where I was when I reached out to her and am so much better for it. It’s been an amazing investment in myself.
Lee Cochrane

"I've felt more at peace with the world on a number of levels. Your help with that was the tipping point for a lot of things which I have addressed since, so 'thank you."
I wanted to thank you for your time last night.
It was VERY VALUABLE in helping me see the connection between pain in the body and repressed issues that need attention.
Your skill enabled me to address my regret about my relationship with my mother, and lead me to a place where we can both move on, with love and light.
I will be forever grateful for your resolution of this pain.
May you continue with your healing work in the knowledge that my mother and I, are now at peace.
My profound thanks go with you always
It was PAINLESS!!! I nearly fell out of the chair when he said it was DONE!....... All that stress and worry I put myself through and it was anticlimactic !!!
I'm sure a lot of it was that I addressed those issues with Mum, and generally felt more at peace with the world on a number of levels. Your help with that was the tipping point for a lot of things which I have addressed since, so 'thank you.
Tricia Penny

It took me so many years of physical and emotional pain to actually start to listen to my body.
My body was doing it’s best to signal that it needed attention and healing.
After realising that my physical symptoms were my body’s CALLING out for EMOTIONAL healing, then I was able to really HEAR what it needed, and deliver that.
Your body has so much wisdom for you.
It took some time to work through one thing after the other. But it was worth it! Every moment was more rewarding than the next.
Now I take the time each day to check in with what wants to make itself known to me so that I can let go of what I don’t need to hold onto anymore.
I process it and allow it to move through me so that I don’t unconsciously trap that energy in my system and allow it to fester until it creates physical pain or other conditions.
It can be so surprising what actually wants to show itself to you for healing and sometimes the underlying emotional pain can feel so unrelated.
Tricia came to me for major tooth pain and the anxiety she had about going to the dentist to have a tooth pulled and in the session she was guided to heal her relationship with her mother who had passed away earlier.
The next day she had NO ANXIETY about the dentist appointment and felt NO PAIN AT ALL getting her tooth pulled.
But more importantly she was at complete peace around her relationship with her mother.
We used a specific Spiritual Process that allowed her to communicate and resolve things with her late mother. It was one of the most amazing healings I’ve witnessed.

"consistently found each session to be powerful, insightful and held in an empathetic and deeply supportive space"
I have had a number of various treatments with Christine over the years and have consistently found each session to be powerful, insightful and held in an empathetic and deeply supportive space. I can feel the energy shift as little air bubbles go through my body during a session and continue for days after. Most recently I had a Psych K session. I felt the energy moving quite intensely. It's an efficient practice; energy can be shifted regarding a number of beliefs within minutes, and most of the session is spent discussing context and pinpointing beliefs to be targeted. The best way I can explain the impact of the practice is this; 1 week later my mind seems relatively 'empty' when I try to think of the beliefs that were shifted. I struggle to bring them to mind, and when I do I can't quite
Helen Doukas

"I feel really present with myself. I feel really in tune with my body. The hurt that I felt physically in my body was completely gone within minutes. I could feel it leaving my body."
After using the Psych-K® balances in my session with Christine, the hurt that I felt physically in my body was completely gone within minutes. The mind chatter is completely gone. I could feel it leaving my body.
I tried to access the feeling again, but it was gone.
During the balances I received amazing insight. I could clearly see the potential of what can be in the future and I realised that when I start showing up as my best self, things will just click. I felt what authenticity is.
I went from feeling so trapped and anxious to feeling so light where I wanted to laugh. My heart wasn’t sinking.
My head reminded me of my worth.
I feel really good. I feel really present with myself. I feel really in tune with my body. I feel balanced. My heads caught up to my physical body now. In the session my mind was trying to understand how this could happen so quickly
Thank you so so much
Stephanie Verrion

"Every single session has been mind-blowing and for the first time in years I feel whatever was blocking me from achieving my best has gone. "
Working with Christine has been life-changing. Before I was experiencing daily anxiety and panic attacks but now I am well equipped with the tools/practices I need to overcome these feelings. Every single session has been mind-blowing and for the first time in years I feel whatever was blocking me from achieving my best has gone.
Also.. So very grateful for my huge session with Christine today ✨👌I started out not really knowing what we were going to cover... and by the end I had discovered my true life purpose !!! 😳🥳😍 It was magical, you have a special gift Christine, and I can’t wait for you to touch the lives of even more souls. Thank you so much 💕💫💕
Sarah Jane McBean

"The blocks that were holding me from living my best life have dissolved and the feeling of freedom with that is magical."
Energy Healing with Christine, wow!
Christine's Energy Healing Sessions have shown me that anything in my life I want to shift - can shift without any effort at all. Her sessions align, they're clear and they help create change - but I really didn't need to do anything apart from show up!
The blocks that were holding me from living my best life have dissolved and the feeling of freedom with that is magical.
Christine, it’s such precious work you're doing. Sitting with people in the ugly so they can peel the layers away and lead their best lives.
Sally Nixon

"The energy process was INCREDIBLE. I never experienced anything this transformational IN MY LIFE and I've done sooo many healing modalities and trainings in my life."
The energy process was INCREDIBLE. I never experienced anything this transformational IN MY LIFE and I've done sooo many healing modalities and trainings in my life. That day and the next day I woke up feeling myself. It was like I felt human again. I felt my energy back. I'm now moving out of the lethargy and low energy towards my goals. It's like taking this load of crap off me.Thank you.
Having slowed down a bit. I'm getting those wins coming to me. I'm being more space. Having the ability to have these realisations. Making a lot of progress not external progress as much as internal shifts … Internal shifts is where most of the shifts have happened. I'm really embracing that because this is really new for me. Creating space for myself. I'm embodying that now. I'm seeing it's the inner stuff that's enabled it to happen my physical reality to change. I pull myself up on thoughts and it goes out the window before I even hold onto it.
Mia Jones